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FAQ Chinese Herbal Medicine

Q: Have clinicial trials been conducted for TCM herbs?

A: This may be the most frequently asked question by first-time TCM patients. In the eyes of the Western medicine, the existing evidence-based data on TCM practice is insufficient as they don’t meet Western criteria.


Over the last few decades, however, many TCM scholars and researchers have made tremendous strides using modern technology to verify empirically the effects of TCM using lab trials with mice as well as clinical trials with humans.  One difficulty for empirical study of TCM is that in TCM theory and practice, it is often not feasible to test on animals because of their many physiological and genetic differences from humans.  


Patients unfamiliar with TCM can rest assured that TCM herbal formulas have been safely and effectively used for a few thousand years and are widely used alongside with the Western medicine in hospitals in many parts of Asia.  So the clinical trials are on humans instead of mice. 


Q: What about the residues and heavy metals in the herbs?

A: This is another common concern: chemical residues and heavy metals found in some TCM products.  There are two ways to ensure high quality in the manufacturing of TCM herbs. First, wild herbs are used when necessary. Also, extracts are frequently used, with the extraction process removing toxins and impurities.


Moreover, Ottawa Acupuncutre TCM Wellness only imports from manufacturers who meet exporting-quality standards, which ensures that our herbs do not contain prohibited ingredients or contaminated products. Some TCM products found in the US are not formally imported but smuggled into the country.


If you have concerns, you should consult with your trusted TCM practitioner.


Q: Is there toxicity in Traditional Chinese Herbal formulas?

A: Yes, there is. As the popular saying goes, “all medicines have certain toxicity in it.” 


Even though TCM herbs have much lower toxicity in comparison with conventional Western drugs and other medications, any well-trained TCM practitioners must be careful with the toxicity level of TCM formulas as well as individual herbs. In Chinese pharmacopoeia, the toxicity of herbs is categorized as non-toxic, low, medium or high.  TCM practitioners try to use non-toxic herbs and avoid toxic herbs when possible.  When it is necessary, a qualified TCM doctor never shies away from the toxic ones, however. They are trained to use certain herbs to detoxify or neutralize the toxins contained in another. Their goal is to heal with as few side effects as possible.


Q: Are there side effects to TCM herbal formulas?

A: All ingredients of TCM are taken from nature, and they have fewer side effects and lower toxicity in comparison with conventional drugs and other medications. Nonetheless, TCM herbs are not free from side effects. Any improper use of Chinese medicines may lead to adverse reactions.


TCM practitioners use the following guidelines to help minimize side effects:


  • Use of Chinese medicines should match the patient's body constitution and clinical condition in order to achieve therapeutic results. If the medicines are not well-matched to the state of the body, they may instead be harmful; 

  • Herbs are not meant for prolonged use, and over-consumption is avoided. Overdose or taking the medicines for too long may lead to adverse reactions caused by the accumulation of the toxic ingredients of some Chinese medicines in the body; and

  • Use of Chinese medicines should be in accordance with medical advice and should be stopped as soon as they are no longer necessary.



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